The Task Specification

Key/Property Value
aggregate_state Either satisfy-any or satisfy-last, see the article Interacting with the Environment.
description String.
dispatch_storm_delay_duration String, representing a duration, defaults to 1 second. See the article Preventing Dispatch Storms.
eager_trials Integer, defaults to 1 and limited by max_trials. Number of trials which will be created eagerly.
environment_variables Map of strings. Subject to inheritance.
exclusive_global_resources Map of booleans. The keys indicate the resource, the values decide if the resource lock is active.
git_options This option decides if and which submodules are cloned. See git_options in the demo project.
key String.
load A strictly positive number. See The load below.
max_trials Integer, defaults to 3. The Maximum number of trials which will be created until the task passes.
name String.
ports Map of values, see the ports page.
script_defaults Map, the values are the same as for a script.
scripts Map of maps, see script.
templates Map of maps, templates files with environment variables. See templates in the demo project.
traits Map of booleans. The keys indicate the traits to match suitable executors. The values decide if the trait is used.
tree_attachments Map of maps, determines files to be attached to the tree_id. See attachments in the demo project.
trial_attachments Map of maps, determines files to be attached to the trial_id. See attachments in the demo project.

The load

Each executor can execute serveral trials in parallel. The limit ist set by the executors max_load value. The accumulated load of the trials is the sum of the load parameters specified with the load parameter in the task specification.